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What Is Content Marketing? – Definition, Benefits, And More

What Is Content Marketing_ – Definition, Benefits, And More


Content Marketing is now one of the most fashionable online marketing disciplines, but this does not mean that it was recently invented. Twelve years ago, Joe Pulizzi described it as: “A marketing technique for the creation and delivery of relevant and dear content to attract, acquire and attract the attention of a well-defined target audience, to encourage them to be future customers.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique based on creating, publishing, and sharing an interest with each buyer persona. But to implement a valid content strategy, you have to take into account two requirements: have the buyer personal we want to address well defined;

And decide what knowledge you want to convey to your target addressees in different formats.

Such as blog articles, downloadable resources, podcasts, video tutorials, among others.

Thanks to content marketing, the marketing department will work the entire user purchase cycle. A person goes through the whole development when he realizes what he needs until he decides to buy a product/service to fix it. Therefore, all the published content will have to respond to your ideal client’s needs and problems. Only in this way can a successful strategy be built.

Benefits of Doing Content Marketing

The term content marketing is gaining more and more, but why use Content Marketing? Next, we present the main advantages of the strategy for your company to achieve its business objectives.

But applying a content marketing strategy does not mean forgetting to work at the SEO level. There is a very close relationship among both systems.  allows you to work on many different keywords, which increases the chances of appearing in search results.

With a Content Marketing strategy, you can reduce the CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) by promoting materials that eliminate customers’ doubts when buying. Using resources such as infographics and ebooks is highly recommended—Webinars and other content can facilitate the sales process.

Guest Blogging and Content Marketing

Guest blogging is to publish content on other platforms as a guest author, and this action is essential in the for two reasons:

In short, content marketing works, but it is necessary to invest resources and time. In our marketing programs, we teach you to obtain the best results in your communication campaigns.

And therefore, we encourage you to inform yourself about

Now that you know how to make a Content Marketing strategy, we encourage you to take a look at our courses, postgraduate courses, and masters such as the master of digital marketing and specialization in which you can specialize in the hands of marketing professionals to create the best content strategies that will connect directly with users.

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