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LAN Write for us

LAN Write for us

LAN Write for us, A local area network (LAN) remains a collection of devices connected to one physical location, such as a building, office, or home. A LAN can be small or large, from a home network with one operator to an initiative network with thousands of users and devices in an office or school.

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A LAN comprises cables, access points, changes, routers, and other components that allow devices to connect to internal servers, web servers, and different LANs via wide-area networks. The rise of virtualization has also powered the development of virtual LANs, which allow network managers to logically group network nodes and divide their networks without needing significant substructure changes.

For example, in an office with various departments, such as accounting and IT support. And also administration, each department’s computers could remain rationally linked to the same switch but segmented to behave as if separate.

What are the Benefits of a LAN?

The compensations of a LAN are the same as those for any group of devices that make contacts together. The devices can use a single Net connection, share files, print to shared printers, and be accessed and even controlled by one another.

LANs were developed in the 1960s for colleges and research facilities [such as NASA], mainly connecting computers to other processors. It remained until the growth of Ethernet skill [1973, at Xerox PARC], the thing commercialization [1980], and its calibration [1983] that LANs started to remain used widely.

While the assistance of having devices connected to a network has consistently remained well understood, it wasn’t until the broad deployment of Wi-Fi technology that LANs became commonplace in nearly every environment. Today, not only do commerce and schools use LANs, but also restaurants, coffee shops, stores—and also homes.

Are there Different Types of LANs?

The clients connect to the attendant either with cables or through wireless connections. Typically, suites of applications can remain kept on the LAN server. Users can access files, email, document sharing, printing, and other facilities through applications running on the LAN server, with read-and-write access maintained by a network or IT administrator. Most midsize to significant business, government, research, and education networks remain client/server-based LANs.

A peer-to-peer LAN has no central attendant and cannot grip heavy workloads as a client/server LAN can, so they’re characteristically smaller. On a peer-to-peer LAN, each device shares similarly in the functioning of the network. The devices share capital and data through wired or wireless influences to a switch or router. Most home networks are peer-to-peer.

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  • Writing for Tech Geeks Blogger can give massive exposure to your website for customers looking for LAN.
  • Tech Geeks Blogger presence is on social media and will share your article for the LAN related audience.
  • You can reach out to LAN enthusiasts.

Search Terms Related to LAN Write for us

computer network

wide area network

leased telecommunication circuits.




Token Ring


Lawrence Radiation Laboratory


Xerox PARC

Cambridge Ring



Electronic voting systems for the European Parliament

Search Terms for LAN Write for us

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lan example


lan party

lan stands for

wireless local area network

advantages of lan

metropolitan area network

lan in computer network

Guidelines of the Article – LAN Write for us

  • We at Tech Geeks Blogger welcome fresh and unique content related to LAN.
  • Tech Geeks Blogger allows a minimum of 500+ words related to LAN.
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