Definition IT Security

IT Security guarantees the security of all techniques and information technologies (IT) used, that is to say, all hardware and software systems and all computer systems and networks. The main objective of these techniques to ensure the security of the processing and communication of information, which requires the appropriate hardware operating processes and the program and software system processes. The implementation of such concepts in the economy is not voluntary: according to applicable law, German companies are legally obliged to invest in the development and implementation of IT security concepts, that is, IT compliance.

IT Security What’s the difference?

You may have noticed that “cybersecurity” and “computer security” are often used interchangeably. While it would appear that computer and cybersecurity can used interchangeably, the two terms refer to different things. However, the two terms refer to different things, and this slight difference in meaning can be confusing. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what makes them different. We aim to discuss in detail how and why they differ.

Between Cybersecurity And IT Security

Let’s start by discussing the similarities between two terms that can be confusing. Both terms refer to practices to ensure the and protection of computer systems against malicious acts and data breaches.

In addition, cybersecurity and IT security are closely related practices. They involve similar and complementary processes, but a distinction must made between them for correct and successful application. Both cybersecurity and IT security have a component that deals with the physical of information. By keeping the server room door closed to permit specific personnel, the two methods use different measures to protect data.

Additionally, IT security and cybersecurity assess the value of the data they want to protect. In other words, the two practices try to focus on the more

IT Security That Important?

Our everyday life networked from start to finish – things like Industry 4.0 in the corporate sector and intelligent home concepts in the private sector have long been indispensable. Therefore, it not startling that businesses and, of course, consumers have incredibly high expectations of telecommunications data protection. Every second of the day, countless pieces of information are sent and received at lightning speed via a wide variety of channels and computer nodes, just like the synapses in the brain. It is hard to see what would happen if compassionate data such as internal company information or access codes from home got into the crosshairs of hackers, a scene of terror for all companies and all individuals.

Main Elements of Data Security

All businesses must respect three fundamental elements of data security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It means every aspect is essential to protect your confidential data from unauthorized access and data loss. These concepts also known as the CIA triad, which serves as a model and framework for data security at the highest level.

  • Confidentiality. Ensures that only approved users with the correct credentials can access data.
  • Integrity. Make sure that all stored data is reliable, accurate, and not subject to undue modification.
  • Availablity. Ensures data is quickly and securely accessed and available for ongoing business needs.